2014年5月13日 星期二

Fly away my darling angel

Fly away my darling angel!
Your wings chubby
And short legs sturdy

Are meant to take you
To a land of wonder.
For once you linger
Sensing I still cannot let go,

Patiently waiting for me to have known
That you were never mine to own.

No more tears of regret and pain.
No more dreams of you going away.
I love you too dearly to hold you to stay.


Sep. 14, 2012
Sanxia, New Taipei City,
For my Corgi



2009年4月18日 星期六


在年度 Merrie Monarch Aloha Hula 轉播時

2009年1月11日 星期日

I Left a Piece of My Heart

I left a piece of my heart
In every corner of the planet
So when I miss you
Be it fluffy mush mellow white
Or calm soothing minty green
Even in carefree wandering zesty blue
With a tint of smoky caramel yellow
A piece of my little heart will
Keep pounding and echo
My unceasing longing and love
B-Bmp, B-Bmp, B-Bmp . . .

Sue Ann
December 27, 2008
Pali, Taipei, Taiwan
For Hanako

2008年11月29日 星期六

Thanksgiving indeed

前天參加完我夏威夷大學指導教授家的感恩節晚餐...看到已退休的創系教授、他的學生(也就是我的指導教授)、指導教授的學生(我跟另一位目前留在系上任教的教授)、以及現在的研究生...總共四代聚在一起!心裡好多感動! 這樣的場景多難得! 離開前,跟教授深深道謝! 我跟她説這是我第一次有機會在別人"家"裡過感恩節(以前都是在同學租屋處過)。我想她瞭解我的意思,因為她聽了我的話後點頭說,的確今年的感恩節晚餐有"family"的氣氛!


我不禁想,人生能有多少個這樣的相聚! 可能我一向念舊,也愛湊熱鬧。即使前幾年身體有些狀況,還是要硬著頭皮跟家人朋友聚聚。小時候一次中秋節生病發燒了,卻不願錯過跟鄰居小朋友一起烤肉玩耍的機會,結果是裹著一條大棉被,讓母親扶著我去的。那年中秋躺在大草坪上蓋著棉被牙齒直打顫,看著天空又大又圓的月亮,耳邊聽著小朋友們的嘻笑聲以及母親和鄰居媽媽們談天的聲音,覺得好幸福!至於烤肉我根本沒吃!

最近在Hawaii學到一個英文字,在此插一小段翁老師旅遊英文。介紹各位 "vog" 這個字, 即 "volcanic" 跟 "smog" 兩個字合而為一。也就是火山噴發時形成的氣體及浮懸物! 對氣管不好或過敏的人會造成程度不同的影響。個人從十月底至今已經歷兩次因大島火山噴出的VOG造成的不適感,因為經歷過深切的呼吸困難及頭痛的痛苦,這個字已深深烙印在小女子腦中!

2008年10月26日 星期日

Driving homeward

I've been wanting to take a picture of this chair. It stood there for months and I couldn't resist looking at it every time I drive pass by.

A very surreal scene.

It also reminds me of T. S. Eliot's "The Waste Land," and Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot." Ah, and the chair in "Matrix I"

We are living in a world more surreal than we imagine.
What is Real? What is life? ("When there is no answer, you do not ask the question."--From "The Arkansaw Bear," a play for children by Aurand Harris.)

(Thoughts after photos taken 2008/06/19 in Linko, Taiepi County, Taiwan.)

2008年10月5日 星期日

The Thornton Wilder Tree on UHM campus

The tree
Stretching its branches
Cradling its crimson buds
With vibrant leaves
And thrusting thorns
Yet so serene in solitude
Seems to declare--

Here stands life!

SHU Sep. 25, 2008 Honolulu


I have just realized yesterday that this tree on UHManoa campus is THE Thornton Wilder Tree, planted by American playwright and novelist Thornton Wilder in 1933.

No wonder I am always lured, or rather inspired, every time I walk by this magnificent tree. There's certain aura about this tree that attracts me.

2008年9月28日 星期日


花子真的是一隻好乖的狗! 我想像她那麼難過,卻只靜靜的忍受,還乖乖的不敢弄髒客廳,也沒哀叫過一聲,半夜更沒去打擾爸睡覺。撐到早上就在看過爸一眼後去了! 而我人在千里之外,心裡好難過!
Cherry 一直靜靜的坐在花子身邊陪她。還好她走時是在家裡同伴的陪伴下。
花子!謝謝妳12年來的陪伴! 你是最乖的狗!一直是我的天使!現在好好在狗狗天堂跟其他同伴玩,永遠遠離痛苦!