2008年10月26日 星期日

Driving homeward

I've been wanting to take a picture of this chair. It stood there for months and I couldn't resist looking at it every time I drive pass by.

A very surreal scene.

It also reminds me of T. S. Eliot's "The Waste Land," and Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot." Ah, and the chair in "Matrix I"

We are living in a world more surreal than we imagine.
What is Real? What is life? ("When there is no answer, you do not ask the question."--From "The Arkansaw Bear," a play for children by Aurand Harris.)

(Thoughts after photos taken 2008/06/19 in Linko, Taiepi County, Taiwan.)

2008年10月5日 星期日

The Thornton Wilder Tree on UHM campus

The tree
Stretching its branches
Cradling its crimson buds
With vibrant leaves
And thrusting thorns
Yet so serene in solitude
Seems to declare--

Here stands life!

SHU Sep. 25, 2008 Honolulu


I have just realized yesterday that this tree on UHManoa campus is THE Thornton Wilder Tree, planted by American playwright and novelist Thornton Wilder in 1933.

No wonder I am always lured, or rather inspired, every time I walk by this magnificent tree. There's certain aura about this tree that attracts me.